Morgan Geist – of Metro Area / Environ / Unclassics fame – dug deep into the recesses of what must be a record collection the size of a mountain to weave together this dustily beautified journey through abandoned early 80s NY. Geist’s selection of late 70s / early 80s electronic tracks exquisitely captures a moment in time when the prevailing disco sheen hanging hazily over the city was being overtaken by the throbbing pulse of murder, drugs, and dirt that ran a heavy current underneath. All in all it’s a mix that captures a certain brand of austere beauty. If that all sounds a little too ‘grown’, we’re almost 100% positive that Mr. Geist threw in some chopped and screwed Arthur Russell for the new jacks towards the very end.
* yet another mix from the WMIG series – I couldn’t say more as their page is not loading for us right now.