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the usual // unusual PARTY – Mix Series CD

Save or Cancel Mix Series Volume 10 mixed by DJ Vasile


Cand: Vineri, 16 Aprilie 2010
Unde: The Ark/The Front, Calea Rahovei 196A
Ce: the usual/unusual Save or Cancel Party. Good music for relaxed people.
upstairs: DJ Vasile
downstairs: The Ambiance chill zone and shops, shots and drinks
More info coming soon!!! Pe scurt, the local usual/unusual party you must attend.
De ce: CD – schimbăm prefixul și transformăm seria de mixuri promo produse de DJ români; din release’uri digitale sporadice, Save or Cancel Mix Series se materializează in CD – un produs autentic, local, colectionabil in numar limitat de 500 de unitati/mix. Fiecare volum nou va fi un prilej de party, iar party’ul devine astfel unica ocazie de a intra in posesia CD’ului promo – cadou pentru fiecare posesor de bilet.
Cine vine: oricine vrea. Dar noi punem in vanzare doar 300 de bilete la pretul de 20 lei (+CD promo), asa ca o idee buna este sa il iei de acum pentru ca le vindem doar in avans. Face control!
Contact: PR – Mateea Petrescu


When: Friday the 16th of April 2010
Where: The Ark/The Front, Calea Rahovei 196A
What: the usual/unusual Save or Cancel Party. Good music for relaxed people.
upstairs: DJ Vasile
downstairs: The Ambiance chill zone and shops, shots and drinks
More info coming soon!!! In a nut shell, the usual/unusual event you must attend.
Why: we are growing up and transforming the ”made in RO” promo mix series: from random digital releases to a Save or Cancel CD. An authentic local product to be collected, only available in 500 packs/release. Every new volume is a reason to party, so every party becomes the only way of getting hold of the CD – a present for every ticket buyer.
Who’s coming: everybody. But we have no more than 300 tickets available @ 20 lei (+promo CD), so you might want to GET yours right about NOW because we’re only selling them in advance. Face control!
Contact: PR – Mateea Petrescu