1. Facem ultimele retusuri la ultimele item uri din colectia F W 09.
2. Duminica seara mergem la un studio foto pentru un photo session cu hainutele pe care le-am facut in ultima vreme ;). Toata echipa este deja stabilita, insa mai putem lua doua persoane cu noi. Formularul de participare este compus din 6 pagini – cine doreste sa participe este rugat sa isi comande formularul de la info@saveorcancel.tv
3. O sa facem si un mini preview doar pentru blog cu ce am produs duminica! Stay tuned
4. Editia limitata de doua cutii cu surprize vor fi in curand disponibile la magazinul online Save or Cancel – continutul: haine, din viitoarea colectie, alese la intamplare de noi, cateva item’uri la care sigur nu va asteptati, dar noi credem ca toata lumea ar avea nevoie de ele!
1. We are resolving the last details for the last items that we’ve made this weeks.
2. Sunday we’ll be shooting the catalog pictures for the F W 09 collection. If you want to participate you have to fill in the 6 pages form – we send this form only in private messages, together with the non-disclosure agreement. Mail to info@saveorcancel.tv
3. Next week we’ll publish some of the pictures from the weekend photo session – STAY TUNED!
Special preview for blog!
4. Mistery box available @ Save or Cancel store – soon! – the content: random items picked by us from the future collection and a few of the most unexpected items that we think everybody needs! Limited to 2 boxes!