Monumente pentru concepte Miss /Mister NORMALITATE Rahova Bucuresti, Romania / Septembrie 2009 www.monuments-for-concepts.com © Liliana BASARAB
” Aria mea de interes implica cercetarea reciclarii permanente a simbolurilor, modul in care concepte abstracte sunt transpuse visual, precum si mecanismele care contribuie la transformarea acestora. Ca punct de plecare al acestui proiect este reprezentarea simbolica a Statului Francez, Marianne. Incepand cu 1969 Marianne isi schimba infatisarea odata la cativa ani. Primarii oraselor franceze sunt invitati sa voteze personalitati care pot intruchipa esenta Statului Francez, actrite, top modele faimoase sau cantarete printre ele figurind Catherine Deneauve, Mireille Mathieux, Brigitte Bardot, Laeticia Casta, cea de momentul actual fiind Evelyne Thomas (gazda unui talk show popular in Franta). Avand aceasta premisa urmaresc sa preiau regulile acestui joc si invit vizitatorii sa participe activ in construirea proiectului, sa identifice trasaturile celor care din punctul lor de vedere reprezinta conceptul de NORMALITATE. Incepand cu data de 5 Septembrie si pana pe data de 20 Septembrie vizitatorii pot vota si in functie de voturile vizitatorilor, « castigatorii » vor fi imortalizati intr-o sculptura. ” Proiect de Liliana Basarab in cadrul Programului de rezidente Bucuresti organizat de CIAC- Centrul International pentru Arta Contemporana – Bucuresti, în parteneriat cu The Ark realizat cu sprijinul AFCN-Administratiei Fondului Cultural National
——————–[ENG]Monuments for concepts Miss/ Mister NORMALITY Rahova, Bucharest , Romania / September 2009 www.monuments-for-concepts.com © Liliana BASARAB “I am interested in the ability to create sets of rules and I work with stubbornly persistent assertions that artistic objects are materializations of layers of negotiations leading to a final outcome. The starting point of this project is the symbolic representation of the French State , Marianne. Starting with the year 1969, Marianne is changing her appearance every few years. The mayors of some towns in France are being invited to choose the next personality to embody the French State . These personalities include actresses, famous models, singers such as Catherine Deneuve, Mireille Mathieux, Brigitte Bardot, Laeticia Casta. The actual Marianne is Évelyne Thomas (the hostess of a popular talk show in France ). Assuming this fact, I am interested in embodying those rules while inviting the visitors of this webpage to be actively engaged in the building of the project, to ‘identify‘ the features of the people who represent the concept of NORMALITY. Starting with 5 September until 20 September, you can vote online and as a prize «the winner» will be immortalized in a sculpture.” Project by Liliana Basarab in the frame of Residency program organized by ICCA – International Centre for Contemporary Art Bucharest, in partnership with The Ark with founding from AFCN – Administration of National Cultural Fund.
contact@monuments-for-concepts.comproiect de Liliana BASARAB website Costel CHIRILA