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MODESELEKTOR – Body Language Volume 8: Modeselektor GET PHYSICAL

“Modeselektor mixes can be largely considered as an essential meta-selection of the most crucial electronic dancing’ gear around at their time of release. Their installment for Get Physical’s ‘Body Language’ series unites 29 tracks ranging from aquakrunk to techno to dubstep to garage to styles-that-haven’t-got-a-name-yet with blinding efficiency and a party infected atmosphere. It’s most certainly not a vinyl mix, but it’s no slack Ableton drag ‘n drop mix either, as the pair edit, screw and tease their selection into place with all the tricks at their disposal. ” –

Banuiesc ca de pe 25 septembrie (data lansarii oficiale) pana acum a avut timp toata lumea sa-l asculte, sa-l downloadeze. Noi abia azi l-am ascultat (reascultat de mai mult ori) si trebuie sa recunoastem ca nu ne-am mai simtit asa comod de mult! Descrierea de mai sus se potriveste la fix!

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