In cele ce urmeaza aveti la dispozitie un material super cuprinzator, care a sosit de ceva vreme pe mail. Din primul moment ne-am dat seama ca asa ceva trebuie postat pe “internetul liber” (cum spune Cristina) neaparat, din mai multe puncte de vedere. Speram sa constituie punctul de plecare pentru multe alte posturi, articole, pagini de wikipedia, etc, etc. Ii multumim lui Septy ca s-a gandit sa ne reaminteasca toate aceste informaii printr-un singur material.
Incursiune de la inceputurile muzicii electronice romanesti, prin prezent si privind spre viitor… Totul a inceput cu un cass mono, vechi, rec`ul pus pe pauza si pregatit mereu sa prind o piesa reusita pe care sa o ascult apoi zile intregi, asta in timp ce stateam noaptea sub plapuma cu el langa cap, ascultand printre singurele emisiuni de gen de pe la noi, pe la Radio Contact daca nu ma insel, prin ’98. Era pe valuri atunci trance si techno, iar pe la noi nici ca nu se prea stia de oameni sa produca asa ceva, iar daca erau, nu erau atat de norocosi sa`i asculte prea multa lume sau sa`i bage`n seama ceva casa de discuri. “Mouse in House” a fost compilatia ce a deschis ceva drumuri si le`a dat sansa celor de prin underground sa scoata capul in lume, foarte multe piese reusite, adevarate delicatese pentru urechile mele, prima declaratie de dragoste din partea simturilor mele catre acest gen. A lansat vreo 7 compilatii apoi s`a stins. Cam asta a fost primul meu contact cu muzica electronica.. In prezent, ma declar impatimit devotat, pasionat inrait de muzica electronica romaneasca, asta pentru ca am constatat odata cu “intrarea in civilizatie” (UE..) a patriei noastre ca s`a produs o fireasca si necesara schimbare in materie de productie muzicala si acces la ea (internet is everywhere..), aparand parca de pe nicaieri foarte talentati dj/producatori, iar cei vechi infingandu`si si mai adanc radacinile si stabilindu`si locul binemeritat pe scena muzicala. Nu as insista si cu alte discutii legat de “lumea de noapte” care inca se plimba dupa bataia vantului, neexistand un public matur, care asociaza clubbing`ul cu haine de fitze si prafuri. Astfel as trece la un binemeritat omagiu adus in parte fiecarui “pionier”. Cu cine altcineva as putea incepe decat cu DJ Vasile (Lucian Stan), “tata electro`ului romanesc”, care a dat FM`ului bass`ul pe care`l astepta demult, imediat dupa revolutie. El a fost implicat dealungul timpului in proiecte ca Suie Paparude, Matze, NSK, Nemos si Shukar Collective. Dintre productiile lui as tine sa mentionez “Nu Vrei“, o capodopera minimal facuta pe cand pe la noi nici nu se stia de asa ceva. Cristi Stanciu aka Matze, proiect inceput alaturi de DJ vasile si continuat singur. Un mare om al muzicii underground de pe la noi, cred ca cel mai experimental/industrial caracteristic proiect made in Ro, piesele imbinand foarte multe elemente din istoria noastra “zbuciumata”, care a combinat cam orice “scancet” autentic romanesc in muzica sa, de la populara la hip-hop si drum and bass. NSK, Shukar Collective, Aievea si Blanoz (+ Sultan, Ati) sunt unele dintre proiectele in care si`a adus contributia. Empty Recycle Bin este un alt nume sub care a mai produs. Recent a pus bazele unui proiect audio-video numit “Pericol”, cu montaje si adaptari dupa momente de la televizorul nostru drag, “aparatul numarul unu de spalat creierele” cum zicea cineva. Pe Vasile si Cristi ii putem inca “vedea” colaborand in Zona Libera de la Guerilla, de unde te poti infrupta din plin cu muzica underground veche sau proaspata. Electric Brother aka Party Poopers este Cristian Stefanescu, un om foarte “organic” in productiile lui, cu multe influente de jazz si aer ambiental, o adevarata frumusete. Multe influente de asemenea din folclor, stau dovada superbele piese “Cocosei Negri” si “Glas“. Intra in componenta clasicului NSK si Aievea, pe langa multe altele. Mereu alaturi primii de cei de mai sus apare si Dan Handrabur aka Dreamdoktor, care activeaza si intr`un proiect propriu alaturi de Cristina Handrabur, numit Mere Mortals. Un dj care si`a cautat rostul pe alte meleaguri este Alien Pimp aka Sonic Tonic. Acesta tine fraiele caselor de discuri Dubkraft si Soundkraft, bucurandu`se de foarte mult succes. A activat pentru putin timp in NSK. Vlaicu Golcea, double-bass`ist extrem de valoros, implicat in multe proiecte alaturi de cei de mai sus, la care mai pot sa adaug si altele bazate strict pe jazz: Ciot (+ Marta Hristea), East Village (+ Sorin Romanescu, Raul Kusak, Marta Hristea), Iordache (+ Sorin Romanescu, Raul Kusak, Mihai Iordache). “Ambiental Swiss” este albumul sau solo care`l recomand cu caldura. NSK aka Natural Soft Killers (DJ Vasile, Cristi Stanciu, Electric Brother, Alien Pimp), nu mai are nevoie de prezentare, stil clasic, prestatii live de calitate, succes foarte mare, sper ca voi mai apuca sa`i vad reuniti in aceasta formula vreodata pe acesti trei mari oameni in fata carora plec capul cu respect. “Trebuie Sa Dansam” este una dintre cele mai caracteristice piese ale stiluluilor. De asemenea as dori sa amintesc de remix`ul pentru piesa “Buna Dimineata Micuta Stea” (“De Mii De Ori” cum poate fi gasita), pentru marele artist roman Aurelian Andreescu, Tom Jones al Romaniei, foarte cunoscut mai ales pentru minunata piesa “Oameni“. Aceasta aminteste de vremea cand legea o facea vocea si nu imbracamintea, decolteul sau numarul scandalurilor in care apari pe la “teve”. Raman in jurul acestor mari artisti si prezint Nemos (DJ Vasile, Dan Handrabur, Marius Matesan), “fiu” Yama Studios ce se ocupa in special de spoturi publicitare, coloane sonore, etc. In spatele Yama printre multi altii se afla Cri Stanciu si Cristian Stefanescu. Trec la unul din cele mai apreciate proiecte muzicale made in Ro, Shukar Collective. Aduna pe langa DJ Vasile si Dan Handrabur (fondatori) multi, multi alti producatori ca Matze, Vlaicu Golcea, Mitos Micleusan aka Diafragma de la Planeta Moldova, Marius Matesan. Nici un remix jalnic la vreo manea, totul construit de la zero, acordat cu muzica tiganeasca autentica din graiul ursarilor de la Shukar Band in frunte cu Tamango, treaba foarte apreciata prin afara, pe unde de altfel s`au perindat. Doua albume ce nu trebuie sa lipseasca din colectii (“Urban Gipsy” si “Rromatek“), la anunt cel de al treilea intr`o formula schimbata (can’t wait..). Shukar Collective a fost subiectul unui documentar emis in eter tocmai de HBO Music. Aievea (Matze, Electric Brother, Vlaicu Golcea, Sorin Romanescu, Raul Kusak, Marta Hristea), nu-jazz cu o voce superba din partea Martei, Cristi Stanciu la samples si Cristian Stefanescu la chitara. “Scarred Of Jazz” si “Cinema” nu are voie sa lipseasca din colectie. Suie Paparude, cea mai cunoscuta si printre cele mai vechi reprezentante care au inceput “alternativa”. Nu poti sa nu iti amintesti piesa si video`ul “Harddub“. Componenta si stilul lor s`a schimbat in repetate randuri dealungul anilor, dar Michi si Haute Culture au ramas membrii de baza. As insista asupra lui Mihai Campineanu, “mastermind`ul” din spatele Suie, “Dub Free Romania” fiindu`i deja emblema, un superb album ambiental scos solo. In randurile care urmeaza trebuie sa vorbesc si sa pun cap in cap doi membrii, unul proaspat plecat si altul proaspat venit. Junkyard aka Jkd te uimeste prin gesturi, voce si usurinta cu care “zice”. Unul dintre cei mai buni MC de pe la noi, spun “unul dintre” (desi nu`mi place), si nu zic “cel mai”, pentru ca nu reusesc sa`l compar cu`n alt foarte talentat MC care tocmai i`a luat locul in Suie. De curand “ne place” noul proiect realizat cu Dan Popoiag aka N-eatgroove de la Unu’ sau Hard B (+ Dan Griober), numit ROA (Rise Of Artificial), care a cam innebunit lumea cu videoclipul. Cat despre Bean, e pe val in momentul acesta, membru Suie paparude si fondator al “noului Shukar Collective”, Subcarpati, alaturi de Kazi Ploae (poate cel mai bun din sfera underground hip-hop) si Dragonu ak47 de la Specii (+ Chimie), iar mai nou si DJ Limun. Imbina electro cu hip-hop si elemente din folclorul nostru scump si drag, un sound foarte, foarte interesant cu mesaje grele transmise in stil original si caracteristic pentru cei ce reusesc sa inteleaga (remarc piesa “Pai Nu-i Doamne Vina Mea” in care multi se regasesc). Tot ce au scos ei pana acuma au scos gratis, ca doar e la moda si oricum n`ar avea rost sa scoata altcumva daca vor sa se faca repede cunoscuti, ca “este saraci romanii”. Qewza si Waka X, cunoscuti in formula Makunouchi Bento, un sound mai greu de digerat, dar daca sti cum sa cauti si sti cum sa asculti nu au cum sa nu`ti placa “Chiisai Wasuremond No Shima“, sau cateva remix`uri interesante ca cel pentru “Daniel Dorobantu – Altringen“, sau “Adapt – Crisp” (cu care de altfel formeaza MaBento proiectul RIDMA). Quewza este cunoscut pentru mix`urile “Unu Mai“, trei la numar, in care imbina cam tot ce este de succes in Romania, indiferent de genul muzical, lucru pentru care il apreciez foarte mult deoarece urmaresc acelasi “tel” ca si el, sa regasesc frumosul in fiecare gen muzical. Waka X sau Felix Petrescu (fondatorul TmBase alaturi de Ufo, simbolul underground`ului romanesc, cu compilatii puse bine in colectie, lustruite periodic si ascultate cu mare placere) a fost regasit si in Urban Experience cu G-man si Adrian Chifu, un alt proiect incontestabil de valoros, cu piese de rezistenta ca “No Power” si “Someday“. Raman la Ufo si`l alatur si pe Alex S, pentru a aminti proiectele acestora: M.f.d.n. aka Muzica Facuta De Noi (Ufo, Ummo aka Thrina, Sneila, A.lie.ns), Ufo & Ummo, Toxica (Ufo, Ummo, Alex S, Adapt aka Dump 52), Alien Kru aka Sensorship (Alex S, Pnal, George Campan), B.A.U. aka Brigada Artistica Urbana (Ufo, Tavi Scurtu & others), Ufo vs Alex S. Multe piese drum and bass in special produse pe atunci, clasice, de pe la inceputuri, care inca “rup”. Tin sa amintesc de o piesa foarte reusita, “Ufo & Ummo – Metropola 2001 (Alex S Remix)”. Alex S m`a uimit cu piesa “Future Front Airwaves Future“, produsa alaturi de MC Black Bishop, un sound chill ce aminteste de Faithless, o capodopera. Aceasta piesa a fost produsa si alaturi de ceilalti din Toxica si pusa pe una dintre compilatiile Mouse In House. Alte productii in care se simt “inceputurile” si te minuneaza cu simplitetea si farmecul lor sunt “Simple Surgery” semnate Adapt aka Dump 52, Sensorship aka Alien Kru (prea multe si prea tari sa ma opresc la doar cateva) si “Sneila – Levitation“. De asemenea Adrian Butritan (Future Groove aka Acidulate) este un alt “batran” ce experimenta inca de prin anii ’90. El a deschis printre primele petreceri in aer liber de acest gen de pe la noi si a facut mari eforturi sa promoveze muzica electronica. Nu in ultimele randuri trec in revista marele nume Adrian Enescu, fratele marelui compozitor, care “s`a jucat” pe stil „funky” cu synth`ul pe cand noi ne jucam cu alte chestii copilaresti (anii ’80). “Invisible Movies Part 1” este cea mai cunoscuta piesa in special de iubitorii de buddha-bar, fiind regasita pe o compilatie de acest gen. Multe productii au fost destinate coloanelor sonore, dupa cum spune si titlul piesei amintite. Dintre acestea as face o superba selectie, coloana sonora produsa pentru filmul “Ringul”. “Casa” discurilor lansate de Enescu a fost Electrorecord, un vechi “brand” romanesc in materie de muzica, amintindu`mi cu drag placile de vinyl pe care le ascultam la un pick-up vechi. Ma desprind cu greu si inaintez putin in timp amintindu`mi vremurile cand se incerca aducerea in fata tuturor a curentului electro, prin intermediul tv`ului. Nu intamplator incep cu Fire In Water, adica Marika si Cristian Paduraru (Cristi avand in prezent un label propriu). Marika este unul din cei care au facut mari eforturi pentru promovarea acestui gen de muzica la noi in tara. Inca imi mai aduc aminte video`ul de pe Atomic pentru piesa “E Minunat“, post care avea de altfel o emisiune dedicata muzicii electronice (“Club Bizarre”). La momentul acela erau o multime de incercari si proiecte pe care nu prea le baga in seama nimeni, iar acum cand ti le aduci aminte si le revezi te “minuneaza”. Tin sa amintesc de asemenea cu ocazia asta de alte cateva video`uri clasice: “Scoate Limba” a lui Mamelino (o multime de controverse in jurul acestui proiect care la vremea lui nici mie nu mi`a placut, dar acum ascult cu mare placere “Ferestre Extraterestre”), “Paranoia – Vino Cu Mine” (inrudite aceste doua proiecte), Cindy Cat cu “La Sovata” si “Lumea Vazuta din Zgarie Nori” (extrem de clasica piesa Sovatei), “Firedrill – Q-cumber“. As intra putin si in sfera comerciala pentru a aminti de cei care totusi au deschis ceva ferestre in domeniul house si techno: Activ (cu “Dansam Impreuna”, “in Noapte” si “Sunete”), Atac (“Vreau Sa Evadez”), DJ Project (“Te Chem”), Impact (“Decadenta”), K-pital (“Bine”), Sistem (” Emotii”), DJ Raoul (“Unde Esti”), Akcent (“Asculta”), Animal X si Simplu pe sfera breaks. In prezent produc mai mult sau mai putin dance, dar prin 1998 cu piesele enumerate aduceau ceva nou si diferit in materie de Tech/House. Ca tot am adus vorba de dance, in Romania observ ca se face inca o foarte mare confuzie. Exista o multime de ascultatori care spun ca asculta Tech si House, si sunt cool, dar care defapt este dance`ul ce exista in afara de foarte mult timp, si care bate intr`adevar spre Tech/House. Si toate astea pentru ca am fost intoxicati foarte multi ani cu un dance de foarte proasta calitate, care se rezuma la fustite, fetite, baietei si calitate zero. Stres, faculta, servici, n`ai bani sau daca ai nu`ti ajung niciodata pentru ca lumea e innebunita dupa asta.. Astfel, ajungi acasa dupa o zi grea si ce faci ? Dai drumu la muzica si te relaxezi. Poate nu constientizam, dar muzica este cea care ne insoteste fiecare eveniment important din viata. Botez, zi de nastere, absolvire, nunta, toate le sarbatoresti prin muzica si dans. Vrei sa iesi intr`un local cu prietenii, sa mergi intr`un club, sa mergi la un film (coloana sonora), peste tot te gadila la ureche putina muzica. Astfel, muzica e printre cele mai vechi forme de entertaining a omului. Timpul a “nascut” foarte multe genuri muzicale si ramura muzicii electronice s`a ramificat extraordinar. Dealungul vremurilor am incercat sa ascult si descopar frumusetea fiecarui gen, incepand de la ambiental pana la drum and bass, trecand chiar granita spre alte genuri muzicale, astfel incat ma declar dependent pentru fiecare stare, dispozitie, de cate un gen muzical, ca un leac pentru fiecare boala in parte. Exista mai mult ca niciodata acea conceptie ca tot ce`i romanesc este rau si tot ce e strain e “wow”, practic asta aratand ca identitatea noastra e aproape pierduta. Dar obiectivul meu e sa incerc sa arat ca nu e asa, ca avem cu ce ne mandri. Astfel m`am straduit sa`i` evoc pe cei de care fiecare iubitor de muzica electronica ar trebui sa auda si pe care sa`i aprecieze. Cam asta reprezinta muzica in prezent pentru fiinta umana, iar in continuarea povestioarei mele, dand credit Cezarului si lasand pe cei “batrani” la loc de cinste, tocmai pe prezent as insista, cu o viziune din perspectiva aceasta asupra muzicii electronice romanesti. Evit o discutie aprofundata despre “industria” muzicii, care bineinteles ca exploateaza importanta muzicii in viata omului, rezumandu`ma doar la a o constientiza (Eurovision e cel mai bun argument ce priveste direct tara noastra in sensul ideii de politizare si “industrializare” a muzicii, concurs pe care parerea mea noi nu`l vom castiga niciodata). Astfel trec la categoria new generation, la care nu ar fi putine cuvinte de spus despre nume mari precum Arpiar (Rhadoo, Pedro aka Petre Inspirescu, Raresh), Premiesku (Livio, Roby, George G), Hermannstadt Collective (Mihai Popoviciu, Jay Bliss & Toygun/Alex Modoi) si OK Corral (Vania, Thornado, Midy). Incep cu Rhadoo si mentionez in acelasi timp de tot ce inseamna Arpiar, poate cei mai de succes DJ`i romani, cu un label propriu si un crew care reuneste cativa foarte talentati producatori tineri ca Praslea si El Cezere (alcatuiesc formula Afumati, sub care urmeaza sa aparara releasuri noi la Jesus Loved You), Priku (pe val, cu foarte bune releasuri ce vor urma), Kozo, Herodot. “Batranul” Rhadoo a intrat in colectii cu “Dor Mit Our“-ul, lansat la prestigioasa Cadenza. Inspirescu a lansat si el la Cadenza “Tips“, iar recent are si un label propriu (Yojik Concon) la care a scos doua albume proprii sub numele de Pi Ensemble, sound foarte organic dupa cum sugereza moniker`ul, adevarate capodopere, cum de altfel este si “Intr-o Seara Organica” (sub Arpiar). Raresh, un baiat care daca ar fi la fel de valoros ca producator pe cat e ca DJ, ar fi printre primii 10 din lume parerea mea. De asemenea un vesnic regret e ca cei trei nu au pus umarul la cateva productii sub Arpiar, care ar rupe top`urile in mod sigur. Tot ce inseamna Arpiar se bazeaza in special pe sound`ul minimal/experimental in special, sound metalic specific. Intra in scena si medaliatii muzicii electronice romanesti, Monochrome sau Premiesku mai nou, care au castigat la New York cu “Pearl“, productie cu foarte multe elemente din folclorul national. Nu ca as avea ceva impotriva, dar nu stiu de ce in recenziile productiilor lor se vorbeste des despre cum ca s`ar inspira din muzica tiganeasca, dar poate e la moda cuvantul “gipsy” si e mai “pa trend” cultura asta muzicala. Au reusit sa imbine doua culturi diferite, prin muzica, intr`un album realizat in colaborare cu un artist pe care`l apreciez foarte mult, Pier Bucci. “Santiago De Bucharest” traseaza aceasta linie intre cele doua motive. Mihai Popoviciu este omul de baza in jurul caruia se invarte tot ce tine de Hermannstadt, atat proiectul muzical cat si scena muzicala din orasul cu acelasi nume (Sibiu). Este printre cei mai vechi producatori de pe la noi, debutand cu un electro pur si evoluand in ultimii ani spre house din motive evidente (comerciale, ca daca ceva e la moda toti se duc “tiptil” spre directia aia), ceea ce nu ma prea incanta deoarece si`a pierdut mult din identitate. A colaborat si adunat in jurul lui sibieni si oameni ca Jay Bliss, Pagal, Toygun, Alex Modoi, The Model (“vampirul transilvanean” cu stilul sau unic dark techno baroque), Markus Homm (neamtul originar din Romania). Pe langa Hermannstadt Collective formeaza si Synthcast (+ Bliss, Toygun, Homm). Notabil este releasul “Mihai Popoviciu, Jay Bliss & Pagal – All Inn Limited 2” la respectabilul label romanesc si piesa “Bis Co” (Popoviciu, Bliss, Homm) care obtine cea mai buna clasare a unei piese romanesti in top`ul RA. Iubitorii de deep house nu trebuie sa piarda acesti producatori. OK Corral, foarte apreciate de catre mine productiile lor cu influente pur electro si trance, dar la fel de dezamagit de anuntarea schimbarii stilului adoptat de dragul “hausului” si “fanchiului” care e la moda si altceva nu mai cautam si nu mai ascultam.. aviz forumistilor care “id’uiesc” toata ziua piese, le cauta`n disperare si le arunca intr`un folder fara nici macar sa le asculte, mandrii de ei ca “le au”. Cosmin TRG, plecat prin afara mult timp, dar nu deageaba caci ne putem mandri cu el, bifand prin persoana lui producatori si in sfera dubstep`ului, cu o valoare incontestabila. Despre Mesmer nu pot sa spun foarte multe, foarte apreciat producator de breaks mai ales in afara, care merita si el pus in fata cu o medalie atarnata de gat. Silent Strike un om si o minunatie de proiect care imbina muzica electronica alaturi de diferite stiluri (orchestra de camera, jazz, hip hop). Memorabila prestatia live de la “Garantat 100%“. Acesta anunta o colaborare interesanta cu Alexandrina Hristov, pe cel de al doilea album al acesteia. Alexandrinea este o moldoveanca de peste Prut superba, cu o voce minunata. Nu este printre singurele care apeleaza la scena muzicala romaneasca pentru a fi lansata pe culmi mai mari, stand dovada ca se poate si ca lucrurile stau mai bine ca`n alte parti (vezi Ozone, Zdob si Zdub). M`au impresionat prestatiile ei live si videoclipul piesei “Printre Flori“. De altfel a avut numeroase colaborari cu diferiti artisti din muzica electronica romaneasca, piesele ei fiind remixate de nume precum Dreamdoktor si Matze. Yvat, producator ce adopta un stil mai greu de digerat, dar care se bucura totusi de mare succes mai ales in afara. Patrundem din nou prin “subsoluri” prin intermediul lui Minus & Ion, proiect live 8-bit si chitara bass care te injecteaza cu`n electro foarte pur. Minus este cunoscut pentru experimentele lui in materie de gameboy music. Boola, un producator cu un sound foarte interesant, cu un bassline foarte puternic, asta pana s`a “comercializat” de cand cu colaborarea alaturi de Negru (nepotelul lui Johnny Raducanu, celebrul artist jazz). Editiile de colectie “Cabin Fever Trax” 2 si 11 de la Rekids ii apartin, prima in intregime, iar a doua alaturi de Negru, care se pare ca`i cam ia fata asa incet cu toate ca parerea mea valoarea lui e incontestabil mai mare. Printre artistii mai familiari clubbingului, Dan Andrei, un tanar foarte talentat si apreciat cu un sound aparte si un viitor foarte promitator in fata. Practic toate ep`urile lansate au ceva unic (“Just Music”, “Untitled 1 & 2”, “Saint Omar”, “Ramble On & Four Sticks”, “Muzici Mai De”), lasand intentionat la urma “Balada Conducatorului” dedicata lui Ceausescu, cu care s`a facut cel mai bine cunoscut si care apare pe Cabin Fever Trax 8 cu editul facut dupa aceasta de catre Boola. Dan Andrei a inceput un proiect numit Saac (+ DJ Andrei, Stefanel, Claudiu) alaturi de care a lansat “California Love”, dar care nu prea a reusit sa`si gaseasca locul si nu cred ca o va face cel putin deocamdata, cine stie. In final, in ce priveste viitorul, nu arata deloc rau, ma astept la ascensiuni mari din partea unor artisti ca Negru, Dan Andrei, Cristi Cons (alaturi de proiectul sau cu Vlad Caia, numit SIT aka Sideways Invisibility Theory) , Praslea, Priku, Junkyard, Bean. Ma inchin in fata dumneavoastra si sper ca obiectivul meu de a aduce in fata artistii mari ai muzicii romanesti si de a constientiza onoarea pentru prezenta lor pe scena muzicala a fost atins. Scris de Septy Moldovan.
A foray from the beginings of romanian electronic music, trought present and looking further to the future.. All started with a mono player, the rec button paussed and ready in every moment to catch a nice track, which i shall listen day by day after that, all these in time i was under my blanket with the cassettes player next to my ear, listening the few electronic music shows from my country, on Radio Contact if i remember well, in the ’98s. Trance and Techno were the best in those times, and at us there were no people known to produce something like that, and if they were any, they weren`t that lucky to be appreciated by someone or to be promoted by any label. “Mouse In House” was the compilation that oppened some oportunities and gived the chance to some underground and young producers to get known, lot of good quality tracks, true delicacies for my ears, the first love declaration from my sences to this music genre. They were released aproximately 7 compilations and after that disappeared. So that was my first contact with electronic music.. In present, i`m declaring myself devoted passionate of romanian electronic music, this because i saw that begining with the “entrance trough civilisation” (UE..) of our beloved country, it haved place a natural and necesarely change in matter of electronic music and acces to her (internet is everywhere..), begining to rise from nowhere very talented dj/producers, and the old ones digging deeper the roots and establishing rightful place on music scene. I don`t want to insist on discutions to the side of nightlife from Romania, which still is very instable and travells by the wind between genres, not being a mature one, and which associates clubbing with nice fancy clothes and weed. In the end, i want to pass the discution on a well deserved tribute to each electronic music pioneer. How could i start with someone else than DJ Vasile (Lucian Stan), the “father” of romanian electronic music, which gaved to the FM the bass that was expecting long time, imediatly after comunism fall. In time he was envolved in projects like Suie Paparude, Matze, NSK, Nemos, Shukar Collective. I`dd like to remind by his track called “Nu Vrei” (You Don’t Want), a minimal masterpiece made by the time when at us we even didn`t knew of that genre existence. Cristi Stanciu aka Matze, started as a project including DJ Vasile, but continued by Cristi alone. A great underground music producer, maybe the best and tipical experimental/industrial project made in Ro, the tracks combining lot of elements from our struggled history, every “whimpering” specificaly romanian being introduced in his music, from traditional music to hip-hop and drum and bass. NSK, Shukar Collective, Aievea and Blanoz (+ Sultan, Ati) were other projects in which participated. Empty Recycle Bin was another moniker of him.Recently he putted the base of a new audio-video project called “Pericol”, with assembly and adaptations by moment from our dear tv, “the number one brain washer device” like someone called it. Vasile and Cristi are still colaborating on Zona Libera (Free Aria) show from Guerilla, from where you can get fully feast with nice old quality underground music or new ones. Electric Brother aka Party Poopers is Cristian Stefanescu, a very “organic” man in his productions, with lot of jazz influences and a nice ambiental air, truly beauty. Also lot of influences from traditional romanian music, sitting as proofs “Cocosei Negri” (Black Roosters) and “Glas” (Voice) tracks. Colaborates with the classic NSK and Aievea, and lot of other projects. Always next to the people uplisted it is Dan Handrabur aka Dreamdoktor, which also runs a project with Cristina Handrabur, called Mere Mortals. A dj who searched for better abroad is Alien Pimp aka Sonic Tonic. He runs the Dubkraft and Soundkraft labels, having lot of succes. He activated for short time in NSK. Vlaicu Golcea is a very valuable double-bass player, implicated in many groups with the people i mentioned, or others strictly jazz bassed troups like: Ciot (+ Marta Hristea), East Village (+ Sorin Romanescu, Raul Kusak, Marta Hristea), Iordache (+ Sorin Romanescu, Raul Kusak, Mihai Iordache). “Ambiental Swiss” is his solo album which i kindly recommend. NSK aka Natural Soft Killers (DJ Vasile, Cristi Stanciu, Electric Brother, Alien Pimp), no presentation needed, classic style, good quality live performances, lot of succes, i hope i`ll ever see them together in this formula, three great men in front of which i bow my head with respect. “Trebuie sa dansam” (We Must Dance) is the most caracteristic track of their style. Also i want to remind of the remix for “Buna Dimineata Micuta Stea”, Good Morning Little Star in english (“De Mii De Ori” as can be found, For Thousands Times in english), for the great artist Aurelian Andreescu, the romanian Tom Jones, well known for the track “Oameni” (People). This reminds the times when the law was made by voice and not clothes, cleavage or the number of scandals you appear on tv. I stay arround these great people and present you Nemos (DJ Vasile, Dan Handrabur, Marius Matesan), the son of Yama Studios which is specialised on advertasing music, movie soundtracks, etc. In the back of Yama, beside many others, there are Cri Stanciu and Cristian Stefanescu. I`m now reaching one of the most apreciated musical projects born in Romania, Shukar Collective. Beside DJ Vasile and Dan Handrabur (founders), it gathers many, many other producers like Matze, Vlaicu Golcea, Mitos Micleusan aka Diafragma from Planeta Moldova, Marius Matesan. Not any lousy remix of a “manea”, all built by scrap, keyed with traditional gipsy music from the voice of bear tammers from Shukar Band, very apreciated piece of work abroad, where they also travelled in many concerts. Two albums which doesn`t have to miss from collection (“Urban Gipsy” si “Rromatek“), a third one at announce in a new formula (can`t wait..). Shukar Collective was the subject of a documentary aired by HBO Music. Aievea (Matze, Electric Brother, Vlaicu Golcea, Sorin Romanescu, Raul Kusak, Marta Hristea), nu-jazz with the gorgeous voice of Marta, Cristi Stanciu at sampling and Cristian Stefanescu at guitar. “Scarred Of Jazz” and “Cinema” is not allowed to miss from collection. Suie Paparude, the most well known and one of the most old representers which started the “alternative”. “Harddub” video is a classic one. The component and style changed many times in time, but Michi and Haute Culture remained the base members. I want to insist on Mihai Campineanu, the “mastermind” from the back of Suie, “Dub Free Romania” being his logo, a superb ambiental album released solo. In the next rows i must talk about and put head in head to members, one who recently left and the other one recently joined (Junkyard and Bean). Junkyard aka Jkd amazes you with mimic, voice and the ease with which “says”. Is one of the best MCs from us, i say “one of the best” (beside i don`t like it to) and don`t say “the best”, because i can`t compare with another extremely talented MC which just tooked his place at Suie. Recently “ne place” (we like) his new project started with Dan Popoiag aka N-eatgroove from Unu’ or Hard B (+ Dan Griober), called ROA (Rise Of Artificial), great succesfull video, putted the romanians on rhytm. As for Bean, it`s on continuous climbing, as a member of Suie and founder of “the new Shukar Collective”, Subcarpati, with Kazi Ploae (maybe the best romanian underground hip-hoper) and Dragonu ak47 from Specii (+ Chimie), and recently DJ Limun. The project combines electro with hip-hop and traditional romanian music elements from our beloved folklore, great sound, very interesting, with heavy messages transmited in original and caracteristic way for those who can understand (i notify “Pai Nu-i Doamne Vina Mea” (Not my fault, God) track, in which many can be identify). All what they released they made it for free, an apreciated action. Qewza and Waka X, known as Makunouchi Bento, an experiemental ambiental heavy sound, hard to understand, but if you know how to search and hot to listen, you can`t dislike tracks like “Chiisai Wasuremond No Shima“, or interesting remixes for “Daniel Dorobantu – Altringen“, sau “Adapt – Crisp” (with which MaBento also formes project RIDMA). Qewza is well known for his “Unu Mai” sets, three at number, which combines almost all succesfull artists from Romania, from all music genres, ideea which i apreciate very much because i share the same purpose, to find the beauty in every music genre. Waka X or Felix Petrescu (the founder of TmBase next to Ufo, the symbol of romanian underground scene, with compilations well kept in collection, periodicaly polished and listened with much pleasure) was also found in Urban Experience with G-man and Adrian Chifu, another valuable project, with unmortal tracks like “No Power” and “Someday“. I stick to Ufo and i also put next to him Alex S, to remember their colaborations and projects: M.f.d.n. aka Muzica Facuta De Noi (Ufo, Ummo aka Thrina, Sneila, A.lie.ns), Ufo & Ummo, Toxica (Ufo, Ummo, Alex S, Adapt aka Dump 52), Alien Kru aka Sensorship (Alex S, Pnal, George Campan), B.A.U. aka Brigada Artistica Urbana (Ufo, Tavi Scurtu & others), Ufo vs Alex S. Lot of drum and bass tracks in special produced, true classics, from the beginings, which still breaks the stereo in two. I want to remind of a great track, “Ufo & Ummo – Metropola 2001 (Alex S Remix)“. Alex S amaized me with the track “Future Front Airwaves Future“, produced with MC Black Bishop, a chill piece of track which reminds of Faithless style, truly a masterpiece. This track was also produced with the other members from Toxica, and released on one of Mouse In House compilations. Other great tracks from the beginings with incontestable charm and simplicity are “Simple Surgery” signed Adapt aka Dump 52, Sensorship aka Alien Kru (to many to mention and to stop just at few) and “Sneila – Levitation“. Also Adrian Butritan (Future Groove aka Acidulate) is another “old man” which experimented electronic music from ’90s. He opened the first open air partyes in Romania and made lot of efforts to promote this genre. I also want to review the great name Adrian Enescu, brother of the great romanian compositor, which “played” on “funky” style with the synths when we played with childish things (’80s). “Invisible Movies Part 1” is the most well known track in special by buddha-bar lovers, being found on a compilation of that kind of genre. Lot of productions for movie soundtracks, as the title of the track suggests. From this category i want to make a super selection, the soundtrack for the romanian old movie “Ringul” (The Ring). The home label of Enescu was Electrorecord, an old romanian “brand” which reminds me of old vinyls and my old pick-up. I hardly detach and continue my journey remebering the times when was trying to promote the electronic music in every media, in specialy at tv. Not accidently i start with Fire In Water, which means Marika si Cristian Paduraru (Cristi having in present an own label). Marika is one of those men who made lot of efforts to promote this kind of genre in our country. I still remember the video for “E Minunat” (It`s Wonderfull), on Atomic Tv, channel which had a program dedicated to electronic music (“Club Bizarre”). At that moment there were many attempts and projects which almost nobody didnt gaved attention, and now you remember with melancholy of them. I want to remind with this ocasion other classic videos from that time: “Scoate Limba” (Get Your Tongue Out) from Mamelino (lot of controverses arround these project, even i disliked it but now i listen with much pleasure “Ferestre Extraterestre” or Alien Windows in english), “Paranoia – Vino Cu Mine” (related projects with few common members), Cindy Cat with “La Sovata” and “Lumea Vazuta din Zgarie Nori” (very classic the first track), “Firedrill – Q-cumber“. I want to pass a little in comercial area to remind of those who opened some windows in house and techno domein: Activ (with “Dansam Impreuna”, “in Noapte” and “Sunete”), Atac (“Vreau Sa Evadez”), DJ Project (“Te Chem”), Impact (“Decadenta”), K-pital (“Bine”), Sistem (” Emotii”), DJ Raoul (“Unde Esti”), Akcent (“Asculta”), Animal X and Simplu from breaks genre. in present they produce more often dance music, but in ’98s with the listed tracks they brought something new and different in Tech/House domein. If i opened this discussion about dance music, i observe that in Romania still makes a big confussion. There are lot of listeners which are telling that they listen Tech and House, and consideres very cool, but in fact that is the dance music that existed long time ago abroad, and which in part it is a little close to Tech/House. All this in my oppinion because many years we were intoxicated with very low quality dance music, which resumes at little girls, tiny skirts, nice boys and zero quality. Stress, college, work, you don`t have money or if you do you want more because the world is crazy about this.. So you come home after a long day and what are you doing ? You put some music and relax. Maybe we don`t realise but music is the one that accompanies every major event from our life. Baptism, birthday, graduation, wedding, all you celebrate by music and dance. Do you want to get out with friends, to go in a club, or a movie (Movie soundtrack), everywhere a little bit of music tickles your year. So music is people`s one of the oldest entertaining ways. Along time i tried to listen and discover the beauty of every music genre, from ambiental to drum and bass, passing the border even to other musical genres, so i`m delaring addicted for every mood by a type of genre, like a cure for every diseas in part.There is more than never the conception that all which is romanian is mean, and all which is from abroad is “wow”, practicaly this demonstrating that our identity is almost lost. But my purpose is to try to show that things aren`t like that, because we have lot of artist with who we can be proud. So i tried to evoke those which every electronic music lover must know and hear their name, and apreciate. This is what music represents for human in present, and i`ll continue my story leaving the “old” ones in place of honor, and concentrating on present, with a vision from this point of view. I avoid a discution about the music “industry”, which offcourse knows the importance of music in life and exploits it, but i resume only at making this known (Eurovision is the best argument which affects directly our country, highly politicised and “industrialised” contest that in my oppinion Romania will never win). So i go forward to the new generation, not just few words about artist like Arpiar (Rhadoo, Pedro aka Petre Inspirescu, Raresh), Premiesku (Livio, Roby, George G), Hermannstadt Collective (Mihai Popoviciu, Jay Bliss & Toygun/Alex Modoi) and OK Corral (Vania, Thornado, Midy). I start with Rhadoo and i also mention about all that Arpiar means, maybe the most succesfull romanian DJs, with an own label and a crew wich reunits some very talented young producers like Praslea and El Cezere (together Afumati, moniker under they will release new tracks at Jesus Loved you), Priku (lot of great tracks to be released), Kozo, Herodot. “Old” Rhadoo entered the collections with his “Dor Mit Our” album, launched at the well known label Cadenza. Inspirescu also released at Cadeza, “Tips“, and recently got his own label (Yojik ConCon) where he launched two albums under the moniker Pi Ensemble, very organic sound like the name says, true masterpieces, like also “Intr-o Seara Organica” or In An organic Night in english (under Arpiar). Raresh is a man which if he were as good as producer like it is as dj, would be in worlds top ten in my oppinion. Also a forever regret is that these three guys didn`t put the shoulder on sometracks together, which would blow out the charts i think. Arpiar releases are bassed in specialy on minimal/experimental music, with a very caracteristic methalic sound. Now enters the stage the awarded guys of electronic music, Monochrome or Premiesku newly, which won at New York with “Pearl“, a track with lot of elements from our folklore. Not that i have something against it, but i don`t know why in their release reviews is oftenly speaking about influences from gipsy music, but maybe the word “gipsy” and their music culture it`s on fashion nowdays. They managed to combine different cultures by music, in the album made in colaboration with a very appreciated artist by me, Pier Bucci. “Santiago De Bucharest” passes a line between this different cultures. Mihai Popoviciu is the centralman arround everithing spins in Hermannstadt the musical project, and Hermannstadt the town (Sibiu). It`s one of the oldest djs from Romania, starting with a pure electro style and evolving with house from obviously reasons (comercial ones, because if something it`s on fasion and it`s cool, everyone goes in that direction), wich i dont like, because he lost lot of its identity. He colaborated with lot of Sibiu`s djs and people like Jay Bliss, Pagal, Toygun, Alex Modoi, The Model (“the transilvanian vampire” with his unique dark techno baroque style), Markus Homm (the german originate from Romania). Beside Hermannstadt Collective he forms Synthcast (+ Bliss, Toygun, Homm). To be mentioned is the release “Mihai Popoviciu, Jay Bliss & Pagal – All Inn Limited 2” at the appreciated romanian label, and the “Bis Co” (Popoviciu, Bliss, Homm) track, the best charted romanian track in RA`s charts. Deep House lovers don`t have to miss these producers. OK Corral, a project which a love, with influences from pure electro and trance music, but highly disappointed after hearing their changing style announce, for the love of house and funky, which it is cool nowdays and we don`t listen something else, going in a single direction.. notice for the forum guys which don`t do something else just “id”-ing all day long tracks, searching them frantically and throwing them in a folder when they found them without even listening, proud to be having them. Cosmin TRG is a man gone abroad since long time ago, an artist with we can be proud, checking the dubstep box in the list of electronic music genres trough this dj. As for Mesmer i can`t tell lot of words, but it is a well appreciated breaks producer abroad, and deserves to be brought in front with a medal on his neck. Silent Strike is beautifull project which combines electronic music with lot of others music genres (chamber orchestra, jazz, hip-hop). Memorable live performance at “Garantat 100%” (100% Guaranteed) show from national tv channel. It is announced an interesting colaboration with Alexandrina Hristov on the future second album of her. Alexandrina is a gorgeous moldavian girl, with a stunning voice. It isn`t the few which calls for the romanian musical scene to be launched on higher succesfull paths, as a proof that here the things are getting better and better (also Ozone, Zdob si Zdub). She amaized me with hers live performances and the video “Printre Flori“. Also she colaborated with different electronic music artists like Dreamdoktor and Matze. Yvat, a producer which follows a heavy IDM style, hard to understand one, but who has lot of succes inspecial abroad. We enter once again the underground world with Minus & Ion, 8-bit and bass guitar live project which injects you with some pure electro. Minus is known for his gameboy music experiences. Next Boola, a producer with a very interesting sound, with a heavy bassline, untill he “comercialised” himself since meating Negru (the nephew of Johnny Raducanu, well known jazz player). Collection ” Cabin Fever Trax” editions 2 and 11 from Rekids are signed by him, the first one alone and the second with Negru, which aparently exceeds him slowly, beside in my oppinion the value of Boola is undeniably greater. Dan Andrei is a very talented young man, with an original sound and a very promising future. Practicaly every eps got something unique (“Just Music”, “Untitled 1 & 2”, “Saint Omar”, “Ramble On & Four Sticks”, “Muzici Mai De”), leaving from purpose in the end “Balada Conducatorului” (Leader`s Ballad), the most known release from him dedicated to Ceausescu, which appears like an edit by Boola on Cabin Fever Trax 8. Dan Andrei started a project called Saac (+ DJ Andrei, Stefanel, Claudiu), with which released “California Love”, but didn`t managed to impress, maybe in future, who knows. In the end, looking to the future, i must say the things doesn`t look bad at all, expecting lot of succes for artists like Negru, Dan Andrei, Cristi Cons (with his project called SIT aka Sideways Invisibility Theory with Vlad Caia), Praslea, Priku, Junkyard, Bean. I bow in front of you and hope that my purpose to bring in front of you greatest romanian music artist was achieved. Written by Septy Moldovan.