Zilele trecute Evisu a anuntat noua colectie de iarna si reducerile pentru sezonul care tocmai a trecut. Printre o mie de alte produse super interesante au postat si aceasta bicicleta, pe care o stiam de mai multa vreme dar nu era disponibila in magazin. Iata ca acum este dar avand in vedere materialele, artistii cu care colaboreaza Evisu la care se mai adauga si faptul ca ei sunt recunoscuti pentru produsele hand-made si serii extrem de limitate cred ca vom avea ocazia sa ne plimbam cu una din cele 100 de biciclete cand ne facem putin mai mari.
“Introducing the Evisu limited edition bicycle, handmade in the Netherlands and individually numbered to assure yours is one of a kind. We love cruising around the streets with our French bulldog in the portable basket, dinging the gold bell as we pass people in awe. Not only does this bicycle have the gold mudguards, but the seat is custom made for Evisu by one of the oldest independent Dutch saddle makers and the extra firm spokes are perfectly sized to hub which reduces the risk of breakage.”
For more info and pics click here