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Teatrul de vara CAPITOL MMIX / © Save or Cancel project has come to its end for this summer & drawing a line, it was far more productive than we’d expected. We are very happy and in need of a break. 🙂

In a few days we’ll update the project site with all the materials that we’ve got so far: pictures, videos, flyers and a small history of the Capitol. (feel free to send your pics for the photo galleries to

We’ve enjoyed all the events that were hosted at the summer theatre during this project but we have to say that the last couple of day were very crazy: 2 or 3 events in the same day, one after another, the visit of Guillaume Le Goff from Clark Magazine (that was amazing!!! but about this we will write another post) and the most important thing is all the good & nice people that we met at the Capitol this year.

Thank you!



Proiectul Teatrul de vara CAPITOL MMIX / © Save or Cancel a ajuns la final si facand un rezumat, a generat si gazduit mult mai multe evenimente si intamplari decat ne-am fi asteptat. Suntem foarte incantati dar necesitam o vacanta. 🙂

In cateva zile vom updata site-ul proiectului cu toate materialele stranse de-a lungul acestei luni: poze, video, flyere si un scurt istoric despre monumentul Teatrul de vara CAPITOL. (sunteti invitati sa ne trimiteti pozele voastre pentru galeriile foto la adresa

Ne-au bucurat toate evenimentele gazduite vara aceasta in cadrul proiectului dar trebuie mentionat ca ultimele 2 zile au fost de-a dreptul agitate: 2 sau 3 evenimente in aceeasi zi, vizita lui Guillaume Le Goff, editorul sef de la Clark Magazine (demential!!!mai pe larg intr-un post viitor) iar cel mai important aspect a fost faptul ca am cunoscut o gramada de oameni interesanti si foarte draguti la Capitol anul acesta.
