“Dubai has The Burj, but Berlin might get The Berg” – gizmag.com
Da. Pare ca se discuta foarte serios despre construirea celui mai mare munte artificial – chiar in Berlin. Si cetatenii par a fi foarte de acord, vazand acest lucru ca pe o noua oportunitate pentru dezvoltarea turismului – sa practici sporturi montane in Berlin mi se pare chiar un vis.
Am sa pun in continuare cu ghilimele manifestul arhitectului german Jakob Tigges, care sta la baza acestui proiect.
While big and wealthy cities in many parts of
the world challenge the limits of possibility by
building gigantic hotels with fancy shapes, erecting
sky-high office towers or constructing hovering
philharmonic temples, Berlin sets up a decent
mountain. Its peak exceeds 1000 metres and is
covered with snow from September to March…
Hamburg, as stiff as flat, turns green with envy, rich
and once proud Munich starts to feel ashamed of its
distant Alp-panorama and planners of the Middle-
East, experienced in taking the spell off any kind of
architectural utopia immediately design authentic
copies of the iconic Berlin-Mountain. Tempelhof no
longer only is on Berliners’ minds: People come in
flocks to – not to see the mountain. Thus,Come and see The Berg!