AVion_13: Pictoplasma – Characters in Motion
5 August, 21:00 h @ Teatrul de vara CAPITOL MMIX / © Save or Cancel
Free entrance!
“O selectie Best OF din festivalurile Pictoplasma 2008 si 2009 alaturi de alte proiectii inedite.Pictoplasma este un proiect conceput din pasiune acum zece ani.
Scopul sau este de a pune in evidenta caracterele vibrante ce izvorasc din personalitatea artistilor de astazi. Poate implica animatie, ilustratie, grafica sau jucarii.Treptat, Pictoplasma s-a constituit intr-un concept multi operational publicand sub egida sa o serie de compilatii foarte appreciate, inclusiv “The Character Encyclopaedia” si “Characters in Motion”, care au devenit ulterior adevarate manuale de desing ale caracterelor umane.
Din 2004, in cadrul proiectul au fost organizate si o serie de conferinte, festivaluri si expozitiil, manifestarile adunand artisti din toata lumea si facilitand discutii despre arta comerciala si cea de galerie.Cele 70 de minute de “Personaje in miscare” special proiectat si creeat pentru Asociatia AVmotional pune in evidenta o noua generatie de caractere aducand stilul “Pictoplasma” inapoi in lumea animatiei.
AVion_13: Pictoplasma – Characters in Motion [eng]
5 August, 21:00 h @ Teatrul de vara CAPITOL MMIX / © Save or Cancel
Free entrance!
fresh Best OF selection from Pictoplasma’ festivals 2008 and 2009, plus some new, never before screened material.Pictoplasma was conceived as a passion project ten years ago with the goal of championing the vibrant characters that are springing from the minds of today’s pioneering artists, whether it be animation, illustration, graphic art or toys.
Since then, the project has evolved into a multi-tasking operation. It has published a series of highly regarded compilations, including “The Character Encyclopaedia” and “Characters in Motion”, that have gone on to become pictorial bibles of character design. The project has also been hosting annual conferences, festivals and exhibitions since 2004, joining artists around the world to talk about characters in commercial and gallery art.
The 70 min “Characters in Motion” screening specially curated for the AVmotional
Association showcases highlights and fresh examples of a new generation of characters, bringing the style back into the world of animation.”
Teatrul de vara CAPITOL MMIX