awareness campaign
Co-financed by
Primăria Municipiului București
Centrul Cultural al Municipiului Bucureşti ARCUB
Constantin Mille 13
STATUS: Completed
TYPE: heritage-focused urban regeneration cultural programme
Cristina Popa
Andrei Racovițan
Ana Dămoc
Alex Iacob

- the investigation, re-use and promotion of heritage participates in the urban regeneration and social and economic transformation of the community;
- artistic investment in ecosystems;
- collective processes, co-creation;
- mobile and ephemeral: the use and integration of the façade in human-scale projects: urban signals;
- pop-up, temporary initiatives, which can be presented itinerant.
OPEN CALL I – design
urban signal I – artistic installation
Heritage Reactivation: challenges and benefits @ CNDB – 27 May, 19:00
Cinema Capitol @ Someș Delivery, Cluj 17-18 June
Exhibition & cinema CAPITOL @ Plaja de Carte, Vama Veche – 4-6 August, 20:45-23:00
OPEN CALL II artistic intervention & photography – 14-28 August
urban signal I – installation by Pisica Pătrată @ CAPITOL Summer Theatre
OPEN CALL III poem – 11-29 September
urban signal II – performance #FLUID & artistic installation Capitol Continuum @ CAPITOL Summer Theatre – 15 September
Paint-a-Monument drawing workshop for children – 12-13 October
Missing Cultural Spaces in Bucharest: Trials and Threats conference, itinerant exhibition & booklet launch, in collaboration with Teatrul Mic – 20 October
OPEN CALL III – architecture
conference / workshop
urban signal III – artistic installation
itinerant exhibition – Timișoara
conference / workshop @ ArCub
itinerant exhibition
booklet launch
câștigător OPEN CALL I – design Acme Design
Heritage Reactivation: challenges and benefits @ CNDB – 27 May, 19:00
Cinema Capitol @ Someș Delivery, Cluj 17-18 June
Exhibition & cinema CAPITOL @ Plaja de Carte, Vama Veche – 4-6 August, 20:45-23:00
urban signal I – installation by Pisica Pătrată @ CAPITOL Summer Theatre
urban signal II – performance #FLUID & artistic installation Capitol Continuum @ CAPITOL Summer Theatre – 15 September
Paint-a-Monument drawing workshop for children – 12-13 October
Missing Cultural Spaces in Bucharest: Trials and Threats conference, itinerant exhibition & booklet launch, in collaboration with Teatrul Mic – 20 October
Visit the project’s facebook

Articles about the campaign:
22 de clădiri reabilitate care pun în valoare patrimoniul din România
despre și regenerare urbană prin artă – un interviu IQads cu Save or Cancel
Capitol Cinema / Summer Theatre history and future 1912 – 1920
41 de foste și actuale cinematografe în București
Cinema / Teatrul de vară CAPITOL 2017-2018
Heritage Reactivation: Challenges and Benefits @ CNDB, 27 May 2017, 19:00
Cinema/ Teatrul de vară Capitol @ Someș Delivery 2017
38 teatre din București: recapitulări și nădejdi