@ Teatrul de vara CAPITOL MMIX / © Save or Cancel
Bucuresti, 18 August – In incheierea proiectului intitulat Teatrul de Vara CAPITOL MMIX / © Save or Cancel, pe 23 August – 21:00, gradina de vara a teatrului va fi gazda lui Guillaume Le Goff, co-fondator Clark Magazine (Paris, FR). Vizita se va traduce intr-o serie de discutii si prezentari interactive. Seara va continua cu un concert live Rezistenta Materialelor – ora 22:00. Organizatori: Save or Cancel. Proiectul se desfasoara sub inaltul patronaj al Ministerului Culturii, Cultelor si Patrimoniului Cultural National cat si al Directiei de Cultura, Culte si Patrimoniul Cultural National a Municipiului Bucuresti.
Evenimentul va incepe la ora 21:00 cu o serie de discutii si prezentari sustinute de Guillaume Le Goff, plecand de la experienta revistei Clark (2001 to 2009) si continuand pe teme ca influente, publicistica, evenimente, marketing – cu atentia indreptata catre viitor. Seara va continua cu un concert live Rezistenta Materialelor.
Experienta revistei Clark, in calitate de prima publicatie lifestyle & street culture din Franta, se intinde pe perioada 2001 – 2009. Ca editor sef si co-fondator, Guillaume Le Goff a lucrat cu artisti ca Obey (Shepard Fairey), Ed Templeton, Parra, Alife, Reas, Mike Giant, Barry Mc Gee, PAM, RazaUno, Grotesk; Akroe, Steven Harrington, Stefan Marx, Eric Elms, muzicieni (TTC, Justice), fotografi (Glen E Friedman, Ari Marcopoulos, Shawn Mortensen, Peter Sutherland, Tim Barber, Patrick O’Dell) si legende (Erik Brunetti/Fuct, Yone, Allen Benedict).
In contextul proiectului Teatrul de vara CAPITOL MMIX / © Save or Cancel, gradina de vara a teatrului a gazduit o serie lunga de evenimente. Spatiul si-a schimbat constant utilitatea in functie de necesitatile vizitatorilor si organizatorilor de expozitii, proiectii video, piese de teatru, muzica live si jocuri interactive.
Clark Magazine: www.clarkmagazine.com
Clark este prima revista franceza de lifestyle si street culture, lansata in Februarie 2001
Rezistenta Materialelor: www.myspace.com/rezistentamaterialelor
“Their live performances combine the electronic music with other classical music instruments (violin, trumpet, horn, trombone, etc) as well as visual art or plastic mannequins. In December 2007, two Romanian students, Lucian Racoviţan (Architecture) and Costin Basica (Music Composition), decided to start an electronic music group bearing the name of an Architecture course program: Rezistenţa Materialelor (The Endurance of Materials).” (ICR NY on Rezistenta Materialelor)
Save or Cancel: www.saveorcancel.tv
Din 2007, Save or Cancel a deservit ca mediu de comunicare si propagare a artelor si culturii, promovand si facilitand rolul acestora in societatea contemporana. Fara a adera la un manifest sau la o nisa, colectivul si‐a marit treptat aria de actiune prin evenimentele si initiativele avute.
Newelan Trade, Noroc Trade, Chloris Bloom, Tangi Photo, Toi-Toi & Dixie, Fotolii Puf, Rezistenta Materialelor.
Parteneri media:
Carturesti, Sapte Seri, On Move Media, Port, Feeder, Yazee, Anyplace.
Email: capitol@saveorcancel.tv
Web: https://saveorcancel.tv/capitol
Bucharest, 18 August – In closing of the Teatrul de vara CAPITOL MMIX / © Save or Cancel project, on 22nd of August – 21:00, the summer garden will be the host of Guillaume Le Goff, co-founder of Clark Magazine (Paris, FR). The visit will consist in an interractive discussion on various themes. Rezistenta Materialelor will perform live starting 22:00. The project has received the approval and support of the „Ministerul Culturii, Cultelor si Patrimoniului Cultural National” and of the „Directia pentru Cultura, Culte si Patrimoniul Cultural National a Municipiului Bucuresti.”
The event will start at 21:00 through a series of open discussions led by Guillaume Le Goff, covering themes from the history of Clark Magazine (2001 to 2009) to influences, publishing, events, marketing with an eye out for the future. The evening will continue with a live concert from Rezistenta Materialelor.
The experience of Clark Magazine, as the first lifestyle & street culture magazine in France, stretches out from 2001 to 2009. As the editor in chief, Guillaume Le Goff has worked with artists such as Obey (Shepard Fairey), Ed Templeton, Parra, Alife, Reas, Mike Giant, Barry Mc Gee, PAM, RazaUno, Grotesk; Akroe, Steven Harrington, Stefan Marx, Eric Elms and musicians (TTC, Justice), photographers (Glen E Friedman, Ari Marcopoulos, Shawn Mortensen, Peter Sutherland, Tim Barber, Patrick O’Dell) and legends (Erik Brunetti/Fuct, Yone, Allen Benedict).
In the context of the Teatrul de vara CAPITOL MMIX / © Save or Cancel project, the summer theatre has hosted a long series of events. From exhibitions, animation and movie screenings, theatre plays to live music and interractive games – the space has been constantly changed by the need of it’s users.
Clark Magazine: www.clarkmagazine.com
Clark is the first French lifestyle magazine about street culture, launched in February 2001. Clark is available at newsstands and specialty stores.
Rezistenta Materialelor: www.myspace.com/rezistentamaterialelor
“Their live performances combine the electronic music with other classical music instruments (violin, trumpet, horn, trombone, etc) as well as visual art or plastic mannequins. In December 2007, two Romanian students, Lucian Racoviţan (Architecture) and Costin Basica (Music Composition), decided to start an electronic music group bearing the name of an Architecture course program: Rezistenţa Materialelor (The Endurance of Materials).” (ICR NY on Rezistenta Materialelor)
Save or Cancel: www.saveorcancel.tv
Starting 2007, Save or Cancel has put all efforts into being a communication and propagation channel for arts and culture, while promoting and facilitating the role they have in the contemporary society. Without a manifest or a definte purpose, the collective has quickly enlarged its target through the events and initiatives proposed.
Project partners:
Newelan Trade, Noroc Trade, Chloris Bloom, Tangi Photo, Toi-Toi & Dixie, Fotolii Puf, Rezistenta Materialelor.
Media Parteners:
Carturesti, Sapte Seri, Port, Feeder, On Move Media, Yazee, Anyplace, Tilllate.
Email: capitol@saveorcancel.tv
Web: https://saveorcancel.tv/capitol
Guillaume Le Goff on the decks
Save or Cancel DJ’S:
Kofe // Spin // uBIc // nwt // Andrei Plus (A+)