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Work in progress: Save or Cancel – F/W 09 – S5


Work in progress: Save or Cancel – F/W 09 – S5

Precum anuntam zilele trecute, ne-am apucat sa producem urmatoarea serie de haine pentru colectia de iarna – care se anunta destul de friguroasa. Pana acum am facut doua tricouri, un eco-bag, doua fanny pack, cinci perechi colanti si multe alte lucrusoare urmeaza. Dar ne-am gandit sa va aratam cateva poze din timpul lucrului.
Dupa cum vedeti, totul o sa fie facut manual, acasa, de uBIc si nwt.
S-ar putea sa facem o colaborare pentru cateva item-uri cu… nu putem sa va dezvaluim cu cine inca.
Lansarea colectia se va desfasura intr-un loc nou, in secret 😛 – cateva invitatii vor fi distribuite prietenilor nostri dragi.


Work in progress: Save or Cancel – F/W 09 – S5

As we anounced before, we’ve started working for the winter collection of clothing and accesories which will be entirely handmade by us, uBIc & nwt. So far, 2 t-shirts, an eco-bag, 2 fanny packs and 5 leggings are ready and more are on their way. We thought we’d share some pics with the items in progress.
There’s a slight chance that some of the items will be made in collaboration with… well we can’t tell you just yet.
The release event will take place in a new spot and we’ll keep it a secret – only a few invitations will be given to dear friends of ours.