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Prada transformer

Prada si-a facut publica ultima colaborare cu Rem Koolhaas, seful atelierului “Office for Metropolitan Architecture” (OMA): Prada Transformer.
Ar trebui o introducere destul de lunga despre Rem Koolhas cat si despre Prada sau de ce s-a ales sa se construiasca in asia, mai exact in centrul orasului Seoul, Koreea de Sud.

“There is a significant degree of understanding of contemporary art and architecture, as well as important entertainment and fashion industries.”

Ce se vede si se intelege din imaginea de sus: un singur spatiu (un tetraedru) care se roteste atat in plan orizontal cat si in plan vertical (peretii devin gradene sau trepte) in relatie cu una dintre cele patru functiuni pe care le poate indeplini (fashion exhibition, art exhibition, cinema, special event).

“The interesting thing about this building is the acknowledgement of the
Transformer as a dynamic organism, opposed to simply a static object, which
arbitrarily fits program”
says Mr. Rem Koolhaas